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Last Updated: 9.23.19
Contact: [email protected]


  • Tone should be journalistic (fact-based), not editorial (opinion)

Word Count:

  • While the assignments are 500 word count, the client will accept up to 700 words (as long as it’s not just filler) – the writer isn’t paid extra if they write a higher word count.


  • Writers are asked to get 2-3 original quotes, but there are some topics that are more difficult and having 1 original quote is acceptable. In these instances, please check with the account manager to make sure the writer has communicated any issues they ran into while writing.
  • While the style guide and/or special instructions state that writer must obtain original quotes, writers are allowed to use additional quotes from other publications, so long as they cite the source.
  • If a speaker/resource has already been quoted in the article/blog, only refer to them by last name for any additional quotes or references in that same article/blog – see Example Blog 1, Dr. Kevin Phelan.
    • The exception to this: a story where the two speakers (or more) have the same last name. The writer does not need to give the speaker’s title each time (ex: Dr., Professor) unless there are two people with the same last name and it’s needed to differentiate them.